Our Vision
Why the out of the box design!

Our Story
Three years in the making and we have finally made it to the finish line!
I'd like to show you a project that I have been working on with my family and friends. Dad has always had a horse that doesn't like to travel on a float, so we had to get a truck. As much as we loved our little truck it was expensive to keep on the road, it was old, so something broke from time to time and when we were staying at events we had to take everything with us just to go and get a pie or coffee!!
Float designs have not changed in the last 30 odd years, same suspension systems and same construction methods. Dad being from the Aviation background and My Uncle Derek, also aviation and racing car industry background decided there must be a better way. So we started with our wish list.
1. Lighter stronger construction so with three large horses loaded we actually came in under 3.5 tonnes.
2. Loading ramps - heavy, noisey and steep for horses to load on and dad's horse needing to load and be comfortable would be the measure point.
3.The ride for horses in floats is rough and bumpy and it meant that the horse arrived somewhat frazzled - top end cars are nice and smooth so why can't floats be too?
4. When we are away sleeping in the float they are either too cold or too hot, why can't we have an insulated float that's warm in winter and cool in summer?
5. All our horses are 16.3h or taller, we needed a full height float
6. The floor is always a concern, we've all heard the horror stories about horses going through the floor, so we wanted an indestructible floor!
Well we did it all!. We combined technologies never used in a horse float before and with the help of Dad's friend Kelvin, an A-Grade Mechanic and Farmer, Stallion Barn Horse floats began.
Check out our Technology page to see how we overcame our long and tricky wish list.
And in case you're wondering, Dad's Horse Bo went straight on without blinking an eye!! We couldn't be happier!